Hmm, We might be a little slow in the decorating department. We've lived here about 6 months already and we're still figuring where to hang pictures. Maybe we can argue that we're starting a new "slow decorating" movement, like the one for slow foods. No real reason, other than that it takes time to find just the right spot.

Last week Chuck hung up some antique oil lamps that he's had since before I knew him. It made me really happy since I thought they would look really cute in this space. We haven't put them up in all our apartments; The Chicago Apartment in particular didn't seem very suited to that type of decoration. Yeah, we're still hanging stuff up. And still have plans for additional stuff, including possibly some shelving above the kitchen sink. It takes a while to get settled and make everything just right!
I did a little bit of work myself too. I finally decided and committed to hanging my Roller Girl poster by Leia Bell. The spot is usually not too visible since we keep our bathroom door open, but I feel better that something is there when the door is closed. Plus I think the pink colors are a nice transition between the pastels in the bedroom and the pink tile in the bathroom.
I also positioned one of my Portland Calendars. It only took me 3 months to figure out and commit to the kitchen/dining area as a good spot for a calendar. Now that it's there it seems kind of obvious, my family always kept a calendar in the kitchen when I was a kid. I think it helped me that it was blue this month, it just looked right with the rest of the room. I still haven't really figured out the location for the Chicago calendar. We need a better desk set up than we have now. Give me another 3 to 6 months and maybe I'll even have curtains to boot!
I love your apartment... so many windows and hardwood floors! We're looking to move in a few months so suddenly I'm evaluating every picture of a home I see! and those are some musts at the top of our list. Now to find that in our price range...
Thanks! It's small but pretty comfortable. Good luck in your search. It can be rough!
Your apartment is so cute! My husband and I are moving to Portland soon. Not to be creepy, but in what general area do you live? We live in southern California right now so it's so of hard to figure it all out through pictures alone! Thanks. =)
Thanks! Pretty much downtown. We thought it'd be a good spot to learn the city from since we've only lived here 6 months. My e-mail is on my profile page, feel free to drop me a note I can maybe answer your questions better that way. :)
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