This is my first Baby hat! It's the Umbilical Cord Hat from one of my first knitting books, Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook
. It's a very straightforward pattern, but I'm still not feeling too sure about baby sizing issues. The book says it should fit a 0 to 6 month old and be about 16" in circumference. I think it's supposed to fit a little loosely, and curl up at the edges. It looked kind of big to Chuck and myself, and I've tried it on a few times. But I think I need to stop that cause I'm stretching it out. Still it made for some fun Saturday morning silliness!

It actually looks like it fits me like it's supposed to in this picture, it's got the curl going on. That wasn't happening all the way around the hat, however. I'm still using Taupe Cotton-Ease to match the baby smoking jacket I finished up last week. I've still got more of it, but I think I may raid my stash for some color for the next baby project. I do like the taupe but the baby could probably use a bit of color!
Your hat looks super cute! And babies have larger heads than you would ever imagine :)
Thanks! Maybe once I see some of this stuff on the baby I'll finally feel like I've got a handle on baby sizing!
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