Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well this morning has flown by and I managed to get myself sidetracked with some unexpected things. First off, I grabbed a treasury last night, only to find that some server error on etsy was causing the treasuries to be inaccessible. I awoke this morning to find my empty treasury waiting to be filled. Unfortunately there were more issues to come and my treasury vanished later in the day. Well, because of all issues etsy admin opened up more treasury spots than are usually avaliable. So I nabbed one again and refilled it with my doily themed concept. Wow, okay I just checked that link and it seems to go to my treasury with the wrong title. I think it may be done for. Well I'm done messing around with treasuries for a while, though I am disappointed. At least you can see the screen capture by checking it out on my flickr page here.

Then I came to the blog and decided that it has been bugging me for too long that the width of the posts were too narrow. The major reason I thought this was a problem is because I put some effort a while back into doing a nice layout for a few feature posts and they weren't looking like I intended ever since I switched to a 3 column format. Perhaps no one would be bothered by that but me, but now that it's fixed I feel better.

That little bit of tweeking prompted a "I can master html" mood. And I decided it still didn't look quite right. I decided to solve that problem by replacing the dotted lines between posts and widgets with a few lines of my own design. Nothing too fancy, but I hope that now the page looks a little more unique. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the sidebar space, and I added a few more project wonderful advertising slots to even out the length of the sidebar. So we'll see how that goes, but I am done messing with all of this for today!

And now I am properly caffeinated, and I don't think I can stand anymore tweeking or other ways of sidetracking myself from the 5 to 10 things I actually need to do. It's time to get off the computer!

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