Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just a few more pictures of Cherry Blossoms

Okay I can't help myself I need to post a few more pictures of cherry blossoms. Of course we went back to the waterfront today to look at them more. It's too pretty to miss. Yesterday's post was mostly close ups, maybe I can change things up a bit by focusing on the trees and their context. I took tons of pictures, I know some of them should be like that. It probably helps that we did cross the river to take a look at the view today.

Portland Waterfront

Portland Waterfront

Even more in my waterfront set on flickr, and even more than that on my hard drive. By the way, it wasn't so sunny when these pictures were taken. Shortly after this we were hanging out in a stoop to avoid a bit of sleet. But it was sunny in the morning (for the market) and this passed quickly. It returned to a nice sunny afternoon, if just a little chilly.

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