Monday, January 17, 2011

Books I read in 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsThe Sixteen PleasuresFugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, OregonThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)Loving FrankZeitoun
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope
Building Systems 2009
Construction Documents & Services 2009
Pride and Prejudice
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Living Dead in Dallas

Emma Nolan's favorite books »

Just to round things out this is my last 2010 recap. (see photos, knitting and music here and here.) These are the books I managed to read last year, amidst studying for my exams (note the inclusion of two of my awesome study guides here, grumble), moving, etc. The handy widget generated by, which includes the Harry Potter book I finally read and finished last night. It technically shouldn't be a part of this list, but I couldn't figure out a way to exclude it from the widget. Anyway, I've committed myself to doing even better this year by reading at least 25 books! My favorite by far last year was Zeitoun and I enjoyed re-reading Pride & Prejudice, which I am pretty sure I read in high school, but I guess I am old enough now not to quite remember things like that!

Party Down Poster
Also I should mention our TV favorites. We didn't do a lot of movie watching this year, and most of that was older stuff on Netflix trying to catch up as I suspect will be the case next year. But there was quite a bit of good TV in 2010. My favorites being Boardwalk Empire (yay two golden globes last night!) and Treme (No golden globe nominations even!?! I'm annoyed but not surprised...) Two cancelled shows (both currently available streaming on Netflix): Party Down and Better Off Ted. And 2010 will go down in memory as the year that Chuck admitted that Glee was an entertaining show. He was going to have to watch it with I'm glad he's finally enjoying it too.


cseneque said...

We love Party Down too! So sad there won't be more of it.

Unknown said...

I know! I am happy that Adam Scott (Henry) is showing up on Parks & Rec more this season though. That's another show I really like.