Monday, February 8, 2010

Lost & found

Vanilla Bean Spiral Hat Vanilla Bean Spiral Hat

I almost lost my newest F.O. while shopping yesterday. It's 2 days old! (it is the Floating Spiral Hat from Interweave Knits, Winter 2009...and I feel kind of slick having pulled it off in Vanna's Choice in this colorway I really like!) So I normally shove hats in my coat pockets, and this one is bulkier than my other hats. Fortunately I had thought that would be a concern with this had and I kept checking I had everything. Right before I went in the dressing room I did not, so I went back to the dress racks and found it waiting for me on the floor! Yay! I amazingly (knock on wood or something) have a really good track record with not loosing anything that I've knit so far. I'm really not sure how that is possible considering I'm good at losing things.

I bought myself a dress, rationalizing that in black and blue with a lovely print not only is it the perfect dress, but I will wear it for Chuck's graduation coming up in May. And the shirt pictured, except in a muted pink called "powderpuff" neither were very expensive, yay Nordstrom Rack. A place where I find lost hats promptly and also pretty and cheap clothes.


Leslie said...

I love the dress, especially the border. I'd like to find ribbon like that to sew around the bottoms of my yoga pants.

Unknown said...

The issue of interweave knits with the frontier blues jacket (the yellow one I made) had a link for a website that had lots of ribbon selection. Let me know if you want me to look up the name of the site!

s.i. michaels said...

Wow, love the dress! & so glad you didn't lose the hat--it's amazing.