Pattern: Trellis & Vine Pullover by Carol Feller, Interweave Knits, Fall 2009
Yarn: Knit Pick Shine Sport in Silver Sage (which I think they've discontinued)
This is my first major finished object using yarn I picked up at the Knit Picks warehouse sale last fall. I only managed to grab 8 balls of this color since the bag had been broken open. We looked (yeah I took poor Chuck to a yarn warehouse sale, he was useful) but couldn't find the balls that had fallen out. That ended up turning out okay, I just had to cut a few corners here and there. The main one was the sleeve length; I just didn't have enough to get away with full length sleeves with the cable and lace that the pattern called for. Even so, these are actually the longest sleeves I've done for myself yet! Yay.

My shaping ended up being a bit different than called for in the pattern. This was mainly to get a nicer fit to my measurements but it had the added benefit of using up less yarn. I also didn't do any increasing in the bottom set of cables and lace. I'm am pleased the fit turned out as planned.
The Knit Picks yarn was pleasant to work with and feels great on, very soft. Since it's mostly cotton I expect to get some wear out of it this spring. Chuck says it's his favorite of my projects so far. He quite liked the last one too. Maybe I'm improving slowly but surely.