1. Spiral Socks, for Chuck's birthday.
2. Soybean Socks, part of the Vegan Knit Along on ravelry
3. The cowl I mentioned in a previous post, though it is really more of a prototype since I made it with lots of scraps of yarn.
Or...any of several other projects I've started but then became unmotivated to finish. (you can see them on my ravelry profile, I try to be honest and post most of what I mess with.) None of which I find particularly motivating right now.
Most likely I am leaning toward the socks for Chuck, since he does have that birthday, but also more selfishly because after watching a video from knitting daily on knitting stripes, I thought the barber pole style was pretty cool, and I purchased two colors of sock yarn for socks for Chuck a while ago, and have since been trying to figure out what to do with them. So this would be a nice gift, a cute F.O. and a way to play around with a new technique. So...I'm off to find the yarn. And I guess I might check to see that Chuck likes the idea of striped socks...